The Scooter

Oh shit it's almost Christmas! It's such a nice time of year isn't it? I love Christmas.
But.. when I was young... something strange happened. Allow me to talk about it.

I was seven years 

old at the time, I am currently 28. I got the best present you could ever want. A scooter. I loved it. I would go on it around the streets and knock on doors and run off it was so fast.
So I went to bed a week later and said 'Thankyou God for the scooter, it is my best friend'. I woke up the next morning and my scooter was in my room. 'How did this get here' I said, so I picked it up and put it outside, but when I returned to my room it was back, and this time it had a sticky note on it saying 'I want to play'. 
I thought it was my brother messing 'bout so I was like 'Ah fuck off' and then I went on Runescape like a sad moron I am. Anyway, suddenly the scooter moved on it's own, like someone pushed it. I was still on my bed as I was worred, then suddenly metalic hands came out the side of the bars, and it stood up right. It was like a transformer, as it turned into a robot.
I rubbed my eyes and assumed it was all the cocaine I took earlier but it was really here! I said 'Hello Scooter' and it said 'Hey kid, wanna go break the law?' and since I was a braindead shit I decided to do it We went around and I took my water pistol shooting the shops, and I threatened an old lady to give me her cotton ball to finish my homework. I fucking loved this scooter. 
After a week of it being alive, the scooter vanished, and I never saw it again. I was sad.
I havn't seen it since, but last time I saw it, it was smoking weed and had a bag of blue meth in it's hands and it left a note saying 'Los Pollos'.
I miss that scooter. :(